JANUARY 18 – MARCH 14 (No class February 22) | 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Explore several different non-technical printmaking processes or focus on the one or two that speaks to you. Instructor will demonstrate monotypes, linoleum cuts, collagraphs, and dry point etchings. Students will have plenty of time to practice these techniques and also use them in mixed media. This is a fun class using techniques that can be also done at home. This class is best for students with some printmaking experience.
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After registering, you will receive an email confirming your registration for this class. For general information about the Creative Workshop and information on materials, parking and more visit our FAQ page or https://mag.rochester.edu/creativeworkshop/.
Online registration ends 48 hours before the class starts. Classes with inadequate enrollment are cancelled one week before the first meeting of the class. We will attempt to contact you via email to find an alternative class or to refund your registration fee. View MAG’s refund policy here.