
Membership provides a foundation of support for MAG--and offers great benefits. Join us!

Select your membership options.


Membership benefits for one adult

Individual Plus

General membership benefits for one adult plus ROAM reciprocal benefit

Individual + Guest

Membership benefits for one adult and one guest

Individual + Guest Plus

Membership benefits for one adult plus one guest admission each visit and ROAM reciprocal benefit

Family/Grandparent with Reciprocal

General membership benefits for two adults in the same household and children/grandchildren under 18 with ROAM Reciprocal Benefits


Contributing membership benefits for two adults in the same household and children/grandchildren under 18


Contributing membership benefits for two adults in the same household and children/grandchildren under 18


Contributing membership benefits for two adults in the same household and children/grandchildren under 18


Contributing membership benefits for two adults in the same household and children/grandchildren under 18


Enter the names to include on the membership. You do not need to include your ID number if renewing.

Gift information
Recipient information
Primary member:
Primary member:
Additional member (optional):
Total: $0.00